
Soccer Team Edges Tufts, 1-0, on Sweeney's Tally

A bunch of eager sophomores sparkled for the varsity soccer team, but it took a seasoned veteran, Tadhg Sweeney, to apply the clincher as the Crimson downed Tufts yesterday, 1 to 0, on the Business School Field.

The Crimson and a surprisingly skillful Jumbo eleven battled up and down the field for most of the contest, but the varsity's superior condition began to tell in the closing minutes of the second and fourth quarters. Still, as the game neared its end, neither team had been able to score.

With 7:30 left to play, Tufts' center forward Zoltan Szaly got off a low, hard shot from point-blank range.

It was a well-deserved win for the Crimson. The halfbacks and line, although they had their ragged moments, looked unexpectedly sharp and coordinated. Only over-anxiety around the Tufts nets and some acrobatic goal-tending by Tiley held the varsity at bay.

Coach Bruce Munro's sophomore crop, called on to fill the gaps left by seven serious injuries, performed brilliantly for the most part. Davies started off badly with some missed kicks and a hands penalty, but hit the crossbar twice with long shots in the second half before setting up Sweeney's goal.


The veterans also distinguished themselves. Sweeney played his usual aggressive game and passed well, but had trouble with his shooting until his climactic score. Forbush turned in some spectacular saves in the goal, and Tim Morgan and Sandy Cortesi were solid on defense.

Munro said he was encouraged by the results of the game. He should be.
