
McElroy, Hunt, Thayer to Speak At Conferences

The Summer School will sponsor two national conferences this year, the annual conference on educational administration, and a special discussion on coordinating American cultural activities in training and education abroad.

"Why the Junior High School?" is the theme of the Conference on Educational Administration, which will be held Thursday and Friday, July 14 and 15. As in the past, the conference will be open to registered students.

Neil H. McElroy '25, Chairman of the Board of Proctor and Gamble, and former Secretary of Defense, and Herold C. Hunt, Charles William Eliot Professor of Education, will participate in the conference. Lawrence G. Derthick, U.S. Commissioner of Education, and Francis Keppel '38, Dean of the Faculty of Education, will join discussion.

William Y. Elliott, Leroy B. Williams Professor of History and Political Science, will chair the conference on "United States International Cultural Relations," to be held Monday, July 25, through Wednesday, July 27.

Robert H. Thayer '23, former Ambassador and now State Department Special Assistant for the Coordination of International Educational and Cultural Relations, will be a major participant in the conference.


A group of outstanding young govern- mental leaders from Asia, Europe and the Middle East will again participate in the International Seminar, directed by Henry A. Kissinger '50, associate professor of Government and Associate Director of the Center for International Studies.

The Seminar will hold weekly Wednesday evening open forums, starting July 13, when the public will have an opportunity to meet the speakers.


On a less austers plane, the Summer School will offer the traditional weekly Yard Punches 3-5 p.m. each Wednesday in front of Widener, Herb Gaudreau will call Square Dances in the Union every Tuesday from July 11 through August 9.

Partisans of more conventional dancing will enjoy the mixer, scheduled for this Friday at 8:30 p.m. George Graham's Orchestra will play at the Memorial Hall dance, and at subsequent Friday evening dances at the Union. A complete schedule of summer activities appears on page 7
