
French Assembly Votes DeGaulle Temporary Emergency Powers; Congress Party Wins in Kerala

PARIS, Feb. 3--The French National Assembly today gave the government authority to write its own laws for the next year to avoid any recurrence of the Algerian revolt.

The vote was 449-79 in favor of the bill giving broad special powers to the government.

Premier Michel Debre had promised that they would be used only for maintenance of order, safeguarding the republic and pacification and administration of Algeria. He promised that no basic civil liberties would be endangered.

The decrees issued by the government must be submitted to the Parliament by April 1, 1961, for ratification or rejection. In the meantime, they will have full force of law.

Parliament was called into extraordinary session to approve the special powers requested for 14 months by the government and President Charles de Gaulle. Senate passage was accepted as a certainty.


The Assembly Committee on Constitutional Law had recommended that the special powers should be ended Nov. 4. Premier Debre refused to accept this limitation.

Debre insisted that the powers of the state must be reinforced to avoid of recurrence of last week's uprising in Algiers.

Kerala Reds Lose

TRIVANDRUM, India, Feb. 2--A non-Communist alliance led by Prime Minister Nehru's Congress party won a smashing victory today over the Reds in the south Indian state of Kerala.

The state has been run by the Indian federal government since last summer when the then ruling Communist regime was ousted by presidential order for failing to maintain order and safety during rioting.

The alliance took a majority of 65 seats in Kerala's 126-member legislative Assembly by the time half the returns from Monday's special elections had been counted.

With the results of 92 of the 126 seats declared, Congress had captured 43 seats, the Praja Socialists 15, the Moslem League 7, and the Communists 23.

Israeli Tension Mounts

JERUSALEM, Feb 2--Shooting stopped on the Israeli-Syrian frontier Tuesday, but a report that Egyptian troops have lined up on the southern flank of Israel increased tension.

The Cairo newspaper Al Ahram said Egyptian troops have moved into positions all along the U.N.-patrolled Egyptian-Israeli frontier "to meet all eventualities" as a result of the weekend clashes between Israelis and Syrians in a demilitarized zone near the Sea of Galilee.
