
Varsity Swimmers Open Season With 55-39 Win Over Springfield

Since, in conflict with giants, little guys usually lose, it came as no surprise that the easy-going but very talented varsity swimming team bowled over Spring-field College, 55 to 39, Saturday in its first meet of the season.

Balance and depth carried the day, with the Crimson taking six firsts, six seconds, and five thirds. Notable was the fact that, although technically allowed to enter three events, no Crimson ace competed in more than one.

Olympian Bruce Hunter splashed his way through the 20 yard Springfield pool to victory in the 60 yard freestyle, while Bob Kaufman, captain Bill Schellstede, Jim Coffman, and Fred Cooley set a new pool record with a 3:57.2 romp in the 400 yard madley relay.

In better than average early season performances, Bill Zentgraf and sophomore George Mulligan sprinted home with respective firsts in the 100 and 440 yard free-styles, Zentgraf finished in :51.7, and Mulligan in 4:51.4, a time that bettered his previous Yardling record.

Advanced standing sophomore John Pringle splashed to victory in his first college meet, recording a competent 2:09.9 over Gymnast mainstay Ken Kaany in the 20 yard butterfly. Junior Jay Hayden brought in the other Crimson first, a 2:22.5 triumph over Springfield's Harry Stearns in the 200 backstroke.


Kaany and Hank Holte did most of the home team's scoring. Aside from his second to Pringle, Kaany churned to first in the 160 yard individual medley, while Holt listed a win in the 220 freestyle and a third in the 440. For the third straight year, Springfield's Pritchard Poirer outshone Harvard's Rio Johnson in the dive. Former Yardling aoe Jerry Lewy trailed Johnson, who had placed second only to all-time Crimson great Frank Gorman in the Yale meet last year.

Former Freshmen

Three other former freshmen also put in good showings. Steve Seagren sprinted to second behind Mulligan in the 440 free, while Bill Brooks logged a third in the 200 breast stroke. Gordy Lund took third in the 160 individual medley.

The Varsity summary:

400 yard medley relay--Won by Harvard. Time 3:57.2 (new pool record). 220 yard freestyle--Won by Holt (S); 2, Southall (H); 3, Finlayson (H). Time 2:17.0. 60 yard freestyle--Won by Hunter (H); 2, Winn (S); 3, Bissell (H). Time :28.0. 160 Individual medley--Won by Kaany (S); 2, Engleberg (H); 3, Lund (H). Time--1:42.

Dive--Won by Poirer (S); 2, Johnson (H); 3, Lewy (H). 73.33 points. 200 yard butterfly--Won by Pringle (H); 2, Kaany (S). Time--2:09.9. 100 yard freestyle--Won by Zentgraf (H); 2, Rose (H); 3, Winn (S). Time--51.7. 200 yard backstroke--Won by Hayden (H); 2, Stearns (S); Time--2:22.5.

440 yard freestyle--Won by Mulligan (H); 2, Seagren (H); 3, Holt (S). Time--4:51.4. 200 yard breast stroke--Won by MacDonald (S); 2, McJennett (H); 3, Brooks (H). Time--2:37.8. 400 yard freestyle relay--Won by Springfield. Time--3:38.7.
