It will be worth watching this afternoon when the squash team takes on . The is at 3 p.m. in Hemesway's gallery. Although matches this week have altered the Crimson's lineup slightly, the who trounced M.I.T. will try to win against the Oadets. The of this match should definitely indicate whether this year's varsity in "just team" or a der for one of the top three spots in the East. Trinity nine, 8 to 1. The Oadets' loss in this match was at the number one position, and that was to Danny high on the intercollegiate ranking list. opponent in that match, who will off against the Crimson's Pete was Bill Voss. Voss is good, and most of the Army players, experience. The Crimson, on the other hand, using a team including five sopho and seven men who had never squash before coming to Harvard. Smith Leade Squad
The line-up today will put Smith on top, Hampy Hallowall, Tony Lake, Bob wartsman, and Paul Sullivan rounding the first five. Roger Wiegand, Doug Clark Grew, and Alec McDonnell complete the team. While the varsity is playing, the fresh will take on Exeter on the upstairs . Lou Williams has already won for Crimson at number one in a match several days early in order to Williams and his opponent, Frank waits, to play in a National ment. The rest of the team is expected to win handily.