
Poets' Theatre Play Set for Loeb Stage

Prospects for the non-student local dramatic group, Poets' Theatre, Inc., have brightened since the fire which gutted its Palmer St. stage Sunday morning.

The Faculty Committee on Dramatics has approved the Theatre's application to use the main stage of the Loeb Drama Center for its first major production, Feb. 1-4. If the Corporation approves its application, the Theatre will become the first non-student group to use Loeb's main stage.

The Theatre has already completed casting for its production of Hammer of the Mountain, an original, experimental play by Firman Houghton, editor of Audience magazine. Stephen Aaron '57, assistant director of Loeb, will direct the play. Rehearsals begin Jan. 3.

The Theatre, which suffered losses estimated at well over $2,000 in Sunday's fire, is a non-profit dramatic group which stages three major productions and a series of workshops during the year.

In accordance with its "good neighbor" policy in the Cambridge community, the Faculty Committee on Dramatics has offered to make the facilities of the Center available to non-student, non-profit local groups during periods when it will not be used by students. The Poets' Theatre production is scheduled for exam period.
