Unaffected by faculty liberals, Princeton undergraduates voiced their overwhelming support for the Republican ticket in a campus poll taken last week. Although a faculty poll conducted by the Dally Princetonian indicated a conclusive 72.3 per cent preference for Kennedy and Johnson, more than 70 per cent of the student body favored Nixon and Lodge.
In the long run, however, the Democrats have been gaining ground at conservative Princeton. Republican backing on the campus had been even stronger in 1952 and 1956, the Princetonian reported.
The increased sympathy for the Democrats, especially among the faculty, could be attributed to the fact that Kennedy once was a student at Princeton. Entering the class of 1939, Kennedy remained at the university for almost two months before moving on to another Ivy League college.
But such loyalties could not explain the Princetonians' feeling for Lodge. Of those backing Nixon, 33.7 per cent said that Lodge (Harvard '24) had strengthened the GOP ticket.
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