
Book Club Will Offer Snow's Godkin Series

The 1960 Godkin Lectures, to be given by Sir Charles P. Snow, will be a Book-of-the-Month Club selection next year, Mark S. Carroll '50, Associate Director of the Harvard University Press, announced yesterday.

Although the lectures will not be presented until late November, the Club has already arranged to offer its members the printed speeches to be published next spring by the Harvard Press under the title Science and Government.

Snow, a British novelist, will give the lectures on Nov. 29 and 30, and Dec. 1. His previous book, The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution, discussed the disparity between the "literary intellectual," and the scientist.

Carroll said that, to his knowledge, Snow's book will be the first Harvard Press publication to be selected by the Book-of-the-Month Club.

Recent Godkin Lecturers have included Louis Munoz Marin, Governor of Puerto Rico; Hugh Gaitskell, leader of the British Labour Party; and James Bryant Conant '14, President Emeritus of the University and former Ambassador to Germany, Previously, the series has been presented in the spring. The Harvard Press publishes the lectures annually.


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