
Aide of Saltonstall Asks Americans For Courage, Not Despair in '60's

America should meet the challenge of the '60's with "courage, not despair," Charles W. Colson, administrative assistant to Republican Senator Leverett Saltonstall '14, said last night.

Substituting for the virus-stricken Senator at the Law School Forum, Colson emphasized America's top economic, military, and political status and the strength it imparted to the United States' position in the cold war. "Recent Russian gains in these fields should not make us forget this position," Colson stated.

Although the Russian rate of economy expansion is six or seven per cent a year as compared to the United States' two percent, America holds tremendous leads in housing, transportation, Industry, income, public utilities, and standard of living, according to Colson.

He underlined the importance of maintaining the missile program which has produced the Atlas long-range ballistic missile. He also advocated multilateral foreign aid with emphasis on medical and educational help to underdeveloped countries. "We must also negotiate for disarmament and support the United Nations and its function as a vital instrument for preventing war," Colson declared.

Lastly, America faces the test of intensifying its will for freedom and its determination to preserve the rights of man, he concluded.


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