Sen. Leverett Saltonstall '14 will his bid for youth support when addresses an all-college rally at Carey Oct. 28, Hugh W. Barber, Jr. '62, president of the Young Republicans, yesterday. Barber predicted that over a thousand college students from all over the state turn out to hear the Republican . He expressed confidence in Saltonstall's strength among the young . The purpose of the rally," Barber , "is to show that Saltonstall's opponent, Democrat Thomas O'Connor, has monopoly on youth support in Massachusetts." He asserted that the Saltonstall bumper stickers being played are almost all the work of young Republicans." 15 Schools to Attend
Photographers from all major networks will film the event which will Young Republicans from 15 neighboring colleges. Schools expected to attend are Boston University, Boston College, Newton College, Radcliffe, Holy Cross, University of Massachusetts, Smith, M.I.T., Lesley, Wheaton, , and Amherst. Barber announced also that HYRC members will participate in a rally for entire Republican state ticket in of the Commander Hotel next . John Volpe, gubernatorial candidate, heads the list of speakers. Barber and Walter A. Baker 3L, president of the Law School Young Republicans, are at present staging a series of with Gary M. Little '61, HYDC president, and Gregory M. Harvey 2L, of the Law School Democratic . The four have already appeared Wellesley, Radcliffe, and Simmons plan future trips to Wheaton, Brooks, , and Smith.