No change is contemplated in parietal hour regulations despite recurrent rumors, according to Administration officials. Dean Monro stated recently, "There has been no recent pressure one way or another."
Dean Watson agreed, at least in part, saying, "I would hate to see hours any more liberal than they are." But he noted that there are "certain feelings toward tightening of hours," especially among the Big Seven women's colleges.
Rumors have been prevalent: that a change of the 8 p.m. limit on Saturdays when the football team plays in Cambridge might be forthcoming, and there had been some undergraduate sentiment for adding Saturday's four lost hours onto the Friday night curfew.
Monro stated, however, that the Masters "have felt there were problems connected with football weekends, especially driving after drinking." Elliott Perkins '23, Master of Lowell House, commented, "If I were an undergraduate, I wouldn't like it either, but then I wouldn't have to listen to parents after Saturday night auto accidents."
While agreeing that no change was in sight, Perkins remarked, "I have heard that parents and deans of neighboring women's colleges have suggested limiting or eliminating parietal hours."
"Saturday is still an working day, and, by golly, women shouldn't be allowed in the dorms Friday night, Watson said.
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