
Gifts to Council Show Increase

Upperclass voluntary contributions to the Student Council have increased by 500 per cent and total donations have doubled over last year's sum, according to the latest figures available.

With some $1000 in pledges still to be received, Council Treasurer Lewis B. Oliver '61 has already recorded a collection of $2229.78, compared to $1229 contributed at registration last year. Most of the increase was accounted for by the upperclassmen, who gave $1001.93, nearly five times as much as the $219 donated in 1958.

The surprisingly high rate of giving by upperclassmen should eliminate the need for additional financing which was contemplated last winter.

Edward L. Croman '60, President of the Council, noted the gains with satisfaction and commented that "another good year would put the Council in such fine shape that it won't have to go crying to the Dean's office for money."

According to Croman, the great upsurge in contributions indicates "a great underlying shift in attitude towards the Council. It is the student body's evaluation of how much we have succeeded."


Freshmen continued to lead all contributors, giving some 55 per cent of the total. The Class of 1962 last fall donated 83 per cent. If all pledges are filled, the freshman share will drop to slightly less than half.

Pledges bring this year's total to $3274.01. In 1958 the Council received donations of $1812.50.
