
Blue Noon

Cabbages and Kings

Delwood Sturges '61 of Quincy House and South Orange, N.J., government major, honors candidate and all that returned to Cambridge last week in high spirits. Not even the sad discovery that you can't drive nails into concrete walls was able to dampen his exuberance. Not even getting stuck in that high-speed, low-efficiency elevator dismayed him very much. Delwood was happy, eager, just raring to go.

He sat in his private cubicle Friday night, staring at the cork wall and then plunged headlong into the gray pamphlet marked Courses of Instruction offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. "Hmm, well now," he mused, "like any dutiful junior gov major, I shall take Gov 106a, The History of Political Thought I, this term, in order that I may be fully prepared for my general examinations next year." Methodically, Delwood turned to page 176 in the catalogue and found his prey. MWF at 12--great, noon is a fine time for political theory, good old political theory." He made a note on his personalized memo pad.

"Hmm now," Delwood went on, still addressing the cork wall, "as an undergraduate concentrating in government, I am required to take Economics I and a course in history. Very well, I must dispose of these requirements immediately." He hit the grey book again, found Ec I--MWF at 12--on page 90 ("Dandy hour for supply and demand") and made another notation on the pad.

"Now for that little old history course," Delwood told his electric blanket. "Can't go through Harvard without seeing good old Schlesinger, big name you know." The blanket didn't know. "History 169, that's it." He leafed through the catalogue again, stopping at page 206. "American Intellectual History, 1789 to Present, MWF at 12, great, just great, can't wait to hear li'l Artie." Another notation on the pad.

Delwood was content. "Three courses plus Government 98, Tutorial for Credit, that might be considered enough, but according to Rules Relating to College Studies, I am entitled to another course. Therefore, I shall take it. Right?" The cork wall had no opinion. "Culture, I must have culture, can't go through Harvard without culture--the arts, literature. First, the arts--Fine Arts 13." He turned back to the catalogue, page 150, and jotted down, FA 13, MWF at 12. "Fine, just fine."


"Now for literature. Shakespeare. Must hit Shakespeare before I leave this place." Again the little grey book, this time page 134--English 126a, Shakespeare: Histories and Comedies, MWF at 12. "Fine just great. And maybe a little Chaucer, too." Page 133, English 115, Chaucer, MWF at 12. Two more notes on the pad. "Well, that's that. Can't take all of them, but it's a fine bunch to choose from."

Delwood leaned back in his chair and looked at the acoustical ceiling with a self-satisfied air. Then he turned to the pad and surveyed his handiwork. His eye fell on the black column of six MWF at 12's.

"Urp," said Delwood.

"Urp," said the cork wall.

"Urp," said the acoustical ceiling.
