
Violin, Piano Recital

A moderate-sized audience turned up at Sanders Theatre Monday evening for a concert of music for violin and piano, sponsored by the Summer School. The artists for the occasion were violinist Dorothy Bales and pianist Gregory Tucker.

In the opening work, Scnumann's Aminor sonota, Op. 105, Miss Bales evinced a pleasant tone, but not a very large one. Consequently, she was often overpowered by the piano--a common happenstance since Schumann, a pianist himself, tended to favor his own instrument in composing his chamber music. Technically, Mr. Tucker handled his part most expertly. The over-all result, however, should have had more passionateness.

The evening's novelty was Tucker's own Suite for Violin and Piano (1956). This four-movement work is a good deal more serious in character than most suites; it even dares to end with a slow movement. Though modern in style, it is still quite tonal, and its varied timbres are always fascinating.

I regret my inability to remain for the French portion of the program, the A-major sonata of Faure and the G-minor sonata of Debussy.
