
Summer School To Hold Annual Intern'l. Seminar

As in the past, the Harvard Summer School will play host to a group of outstanding young professional leaders from many countries of Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. They will attend The International Seminar, which is under the direaction of Henry A. Kissinger, associate professor of Government, and Associate Director of the Center for International Studies.

The Seminar will hold six weekly Wednesday evening open forums starting July 8, and a reception will be held after the first forum, when the public will have an opportunity to meet the speakers.

The group includes members of parliament, newspapermen, government officials, and professors, from 26 countries.

The subject of the first panel discussion has not yet been announced, and will not be decided upon finally until after the guests arrive this week. It is expected that the visitors will discuss political, economic, and cultural developments in their own countries at the evening forums.
