
University Will Award 3,113 Degrees Today Before Estimated Audience of 15,000 in Yard

1,038 Will Graduate From College In Traditional Ceremonies at 9:15

University Commencement exercises--hallowed by some 308 years of tradition--will fill the morning for over 15,000 graduating students, members of 12 former classes attending annual reunions, and the friends or families of both.

President Pusey, leading the ceremonies, will confer honorary degrees upon still-secret distinguished persons. The President's traditional phrase, "By virtue of the authority delegated to me, I admit you to the fellowship of educated men," will welcome 3,113 students to higher reaches of learning.

The morning ceremonies in the Tercentenary Theatre will start at 9:15 with the arrival of Commonwealth governor Foster Furcolo, escorted by a mounted troop of National Lancers. The governor will then lead an impressive delegation of political officials, included in the traditional parade through the Yard.

Headed by members of the Band, the parade will enter the Tercentenary Theatre at 9:30 a.m. for the start of the ceremonies. The dignitaries of the occasion will pass between the ranks of graduating Seniors lining both sides of the path; these 1,033 candidates for Bachelor's degrees will then bring up the rear of the procession.

Sheriff Opens Meeting


University Marshal J. Hampden Robb '21 will officially open the program with the traditional words to the High Sheriff of Middlesex County, "Mr. Sheriff, pray us order." Howard W. Fitzpatrick, county sheriff, will strike the stage three times with his scabbard, saying, "The meeting will be in order."

The prayer, offered by the Rev. George A. Buttrick, Preacher to the University, will be followed by addresses by three students, Richard E. Rubenstein '59, Upton B. Brady '59, and H.O.J. Brown 3D. The awarding of degrees will come next on the program, and the singing of the Commencement Hymn and a benediction will conclude the morning segment.

Diplomas for the new degree holders will be distributed following special luncheons at the eight Houses and at the various graduate schools. Alumni attending the morning ceremonies will reconvene at the Tercentenary Theatre during the afternoon for the 119th annual meeting of the Alumni Association.

Theodore Chase, Chief Marshal of the class of 1934, will present the record-breaking class gift to the College as a highlight of the afternoon ceremonies. The results of elections for the Board of Overseers and other alumni offices will also be announced.

President Pusey, Governor Furcolo, Dr. J. Laurence Pool '28, President of the Alumni Association, plus two honorary degree recipients, will speak before the assembled alumni in the Tercentenary Theatre. Luncheons will be served in the Yard regardless of weather conditions.

The oldest alumni of the College will lead the afternoon procession.

The Weatherman promises clear and somewhat cooler weather for today's ceremonies. Highest temperature will be near 80 degrees, with moderate westerly winds.

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