
Baseball Varsity To Meet Brown

Wadsworth Will Pitch Today Against Strong Bruin Nine

Riding high after four consecutive victories, the varsity baseball team will get a very stern test when it faces Brown this afternoon at Providence. The Bruins, with a 5-1 record to date, appear to be the class of the Eastern League.

It seems most likely that coach Norm Shepard will start fast-balling righthander Ed Wadsworth in today's contest. Wadsworth's performance so far this spring has been a very pleasant surprise, and he has now established himself as Shepard's most reliable pitcher.

Wild during a very few appearances last year, Wadsworth has had only minor control problems in his recent starts. His record of four wins against a single loss is easily the best on the Crimson mound-staff.

The varsity's play in the last four games definitely suggests that it will be no pushover for Brown or for any other major opponent left on its schedule. The pitching has been especially good, permitting Boston College and Columbia only one earned run and none at all to Princeton and M.I.T.

Furthermore, the Crimson appears to have several fairly strong hitters. Chet Boulris is currently the best of these; his average stands at a high .388. George Harrington is not far behind with .373. Al Martin and John Davis have both been in minor slumps of late, but they are still dangerous batsmen.


This leaves fielding as the varsity's one major uncertain quantity. Third base is a particularly grave problem in this respect, and none of the other positions (with the possible exception of secondbase and catcher) are manned by notably sure-fingered players.
