
Kirkland Retains Intramural Title

Kirkland House has won the Straus Trophy, emblematic of House intramural athletic supremacy, for the third straight year. This marks the eleventh time in the 22-year history of the trophy that Kirkland has won it.

The Deacons were able to edge Dunster House by seven and one-half points by winning the final event of the year, the interhouse track meet. The Kirkland track team swept the final 22-0yard dash, winning by 19 points. The meet became a two-team contest between the only Houses still in contention for the trophy.

Dick Pescosolido, with firsts in the 120 low hurdles and 100 and 220 yard dashes, and a second in the javelin, scored a total of 22 points to help Kirkland gain the final victory.

Honored last week at a House banquet were Alan L. Goldman and Peter J. Frederick as the outstanding seniors in Kirkland House sports throughout the year.

The House gained its points during the year-long Straus Trophy competition mainly by four firsts--in cross-country, softball, crew, and track--seconds in baseball and tennis, and ties for second in squash, boxing, and wrestling.
