Exams were a time of fulfillment for Lucius, and as he made his way through the stacks his bookbags danced gayly by his side.
Appreciating that an abundance of good food dulls the mind, he had confined his dinner to milk and cranberry salad. The only worry now was how best to spend the four hours before the library closed at ten. This was a greater problem than it might appear, for Lucius was a great believer in preventive medicine, and by now the material was all common knowledge.
Easing himself naturally into his cubicle, Lucius first made a false start by opening the wrong bookbag, but soon his books were all grouped right there around the clock in front of him. His hand ruffled their yellow and green page markers affectionately and then selected a favorite. After an hour his attention began to wander, and despite himself, Lucius began to think of Miss Schroeder.
At first he was not worried, for he was no novice to the game, and he knew that what you don't know forty-eight hours before the exam you have not got time to learn. But after twenty minutes of almost severely reduced concentration he knew that somewhere, something was wrong.
Instinctively looking for something solid to lean on, he turned to his master reading list. With rapid, but controlled glances he searched for an oversight. The hunt was fruitless, though, for his check, counter-check system left no room for mistakes. The blame, clearly, lay with Miss Schroeder.
How this could be, Lucius was not sure, for although he was certain that his fondness was not unanswered, their relationship had not yet reached the speaking level. Just then he herd the friendly movement of Miss Schroeder's mocassins coming through the stacks. He knew it was her by the way she let her left heel shuffle invitingly on the floor as she came.
Now was his chance, and not even noticing as his bookmark fell to the ground, he shut his text firmly and got ready to rest at one of the shelves and began searching. Surprised, Lucius stopped counting.
It was all no use, though, for in a minute Miss Schroeder went away as she had come. Lucius, in a moment of unrestrained spirit, coughed deeply and tore his best yellow page marker into little pieces.
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