
Council Unable to Review Plan for Local Apartment

The local representative of a group interested in putting a $50 million apartment house project over the MTA yards told the City Council Monday that it would be premature to discuss the plans at this time.

In a prepared statement, Rodney W. Long '22 promised the Council "detailed information at a later date," but said that at present "the entire proposal is not yet crystallized." He added that "the plan is quite detailed, .... with many other parties involved."

Although Long told the Council he was not prepared to answer questions, he replied to several specific inquiries. Councillor Joseph A. DeGuglielmo '29, who again labelled the proposal "a fantasy," asked when the project might get under way. Long repied that it would be "in the future, a soon as possible."

Questioned further about the time element, Long said it would certainly be within 10 years, but balked at pinning the starting date to five years hence. He also refused to be authority for statements that the project would include room for 2000 families in five 20-story apartments.

These alleged details of the project had been revealed by Councillor Alfred E. Vellucci, who said that Long had come to him several weeks ago seeking support.


Long also declined to answer DeGuglielmo's question as to whether MTA officials had been approached about the project, and in the face of further inquiries said "I claim the fifth dimension, or whatever you call it."

Vellucci criticized DeGuglielmo for his skepticism, and pointed to the Brattle Square motel, now under construction, as another fantasy which "has become a reality." But DeGuglielmo denied that he had ever branded that project as a fantasy, and went on to attack Long's "evasive responses" to questioning.

He charged that the responses were "purely and simply an attempt by Mr. Long to protect the man to whom he gave" the information about the development. DeGuglielmo offered to jump off the 20th story of the apartment development if it materialized.
