GENEVA, May 17--Western diplomats said tonight they may have to negotiate a separate stop-gap settlement with the Soviet Union after full debate of rival East-West German peace plans.
Word of the new Western position came after an American delegation spokesman called for thoroughgoing discussion in the Big Four foreign ministers meeting of the West's package plan. This envisages a phased program toward settlement of the future of Berlin and Germany and the buildup of a European security system.
Gross U.S. Output Hits Record High
WASHINGTON, May 17--The climb in national output in the first three months of 1959 was steeper than preliminary figures indicated, the government reported today.
The Commerce Department said the gross national product--the value of all goods and services produced--rose $14 billion to a record annual rate of $467 billion.
Senate to Investigate Nuclear Project Lag
WASHINGTON, May 17--Rep. Melvin Price (D-Ill.) said today he plans to try again to hold public hearings this year on whether the Pentagon is guilty of footdragging and indecision in developing a nuclear-powered plane.
Price had hoped the public airing would give the nuclear-powered plane project a push he long has contended it needs.
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