
Herter Reveals Plan for Peace; Ike Proposes Research Project

GENEVA, May 12--U.S. Secretary of State Christian A. Herter laid on the line today the West's sweeping package plan for uniting Berlin, merging East and West Germany, and starting global disarmament. He urged the Soviet Union to accept it as the basis for a European settlement.

Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, who had decried the package in advance as a tangle of unrelated issues, was quiet during the Big Four conference's

He listened carefully but without comment to Herter's presentation of the plan, which includes at least half a dozen modifications of long-held Western views on Berlin, German unification, and European security.

Ike Proposes Research Unit

NEW YORK, May 14--President Eisenhower proposed tonight that the federal government underwrite the cost of a $100 million research unit to help preserve America's freedom in the nuclear age.


The President said he will ask Congress to authorize the huge project--a machine two miles long, the largest of its kind ever to be built. Construction would take six years.

Housing Bill Released

WASHINGTON, May 14--The House Rules Committee turned loose a $2,100,000,000 housing bill today. Debate will begin in the House next Tuesday. A sharp argument is likely on whether to include money for low-rent public housing.

The bill had been deadlocked more than a month within the committee by a two-hour, ten minutes fourth session. combination of Republicans and Southern Democrats.
