
Wadsworth to Pitch For Crimson Team Against B.U. Today

The steadily-improving varsity base-ball team will take on Boston University at Soldiers Field this afternoon, with crucial Eastern League games against Dartmouth and Yale looming up immediately thereafter.

The Crimson has won six of its last seven games; and on the basis of this performance, it should be regarded as the favorite in all of this week's contests. Dartmouth may provide the toughest opposition, but the Big Green has been erratic recently and has not fulfilled the extravagant predictions offered in its behalf before the season began.

Crimson coach Norm Shepard apparently does not look on today's game as merely a "warm-up" for Dartmouth and Yale. He has selected his best pitcher, Ed Wadsworth, to work against B.U., and rates the Terriers as "a pretty strong team," with "a particularly fine pitching staff."

Winning Lineup to Continue

Shepard plans to use substantially the same line-up that he has employed since the Crimson settled into a winning groove some two weeks ago. This will mean an infield of A1 Martin at first, George Harrington at second, Mouse Kasarjian at shortstop, and Chet Boulris at third. John Davis will be behind the plate; and the outfield will include Charlie Ravenel (left), Dick Shima (center), and either Charlie Leamy or Mo Balboni (right).


Shepard has not divulged his pitching plans for the latter part of the week, but the best guess is that Wally Cook will start against Dartmouth, and that Wadsworth will be returned to action against Yale. This would leave Byron Johnson for relief-pitching--a job which Johnson is particularly well-qualified to handle, because of his fine control. All three men have performed well in recent games.
