
City Council Postpones Hearing On Bid to Develop MTA Yards

The City Council yesterday put off a scheduled conference on the reported plan to put a $50 million apartment house development on the MTA yards, because the plan's local proponent is touring the St. Lawrence Seaway.

Councillors Alfred E. Vellucci and Joseph A. DeGuglielmo '29 both said they had received long-distance calls from Rodney W. Long '22 shortly before the council meeting, and said that the local realtor expected that he would be back in time for the May 25 meeting. Vellucci said two weeks ago that Long had enlisted his aid in promoting the project.

Vellucci reported that Long was "really elated over the fact that all our city fathers" and local civic groups were happy about the proposal. But one city father, DeGuglielmo countered "I never indicated any overwhelming joy over the proposal." He termed the proposal "utterly fantastic," and doubted that it could be put on the land in question.

However Vellucci said "Maybe if it had a little crimson flag--if Harvard were going to do it--it would not be so fantastic."
