
Adenauer to Run for Presidency, Erhard May Become Chancellor; Employment Increases 1 Million

BONN, Germany, April 7--Konrad Adenauer's decision today to surrender his West German chancellorship for the less important presidency stunned German politicians and world diplomats alike. Ludwig Erhard, 62-year-old economics minister and architect of Germany's postwar business recovery, was expected to take over next September the leadership laid down by the 83-year-old Adenauer.

The choice of a chancellor will be up to Adenauer's ruling Christian Democratic party if Adenauer is elected president, and there was little doubt of Adenauer's election. Adenauer will still be at the helm when crucial East-West meetings take place this spring and summer.

Employment Rises

WASHINGTON, April 7-Employment rose over one million in March while unemployment declined almost 400,000 in a substantial improvement in the nation's job picture.

The changes were about double the normally expected springtime improvements. They reflected a sizable dent in the idle-worker problem that has been the only major bad spot in the nation's recession recovery.


British Taxes Cut

LONDON, April 7--The Macmillan government slashed almost a tenth off income taxes today, bringing the rate to the lowest since prewar days.

The move, together with cuts in the taxes on beer and consumer goods, is likely to increase the Conservative party's chances of winning the next election--probably in October.
