The Crimson Rugby Club goes to Dartmouth today to play the Indians in a contest which it must win if it is to retain hope for the Eastern Rugby Union title. The Indians will probably be the most powerful opposition the Crimson will face this year, but for the first time since the Berrmuda trip the varsity is almost at full strength.
Although plagued all spring by injuries, the club now has only one man out, forward Terry Lenzner. Ted Fremgen will move over from his wing forward slot to fill in for Lenzner, and David Kiely will be in Fremgen's usual position. This year's football captain, Shag Shaunessy, will also be in the starting lineup.
Dartmouth has the edge over the Crimson in both experience and size, and has two top performers in ex-gridders Dick Crouthamel and Dave Bathrick. The Indians are undefeated to date, last week upending a strong Princeton team, 11 to 0, and are essentially the same club which journeyed to England last fall and severely drubbed its opponents.
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