
Department of Romance Languages To Add Eight Courses to Catalogue

The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures will offer eight new half courses next year, three in Spanish, and one in Italian.

"Classic French Theater," the only undergraduate-level French course, will cover comic and tragic genres of the seventeenth century. Paul Benichou, visiting lecturer from the Lycee Condorcet in Paris and professor of French Literature, will lecture.

Other new French courses include graduate seminars on French Romanticism and the influence of Catholicism during that period, on the works of Mallarme, and on those of Pierre Bayle. The first seminar will be given by Professor Benichou and the others by Herbert Dieckmann, Smith Professor of the French and Spanish Languages.

"Modern Spanish-American Literature," taught by Raimundo Lida, professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, is one of the three new Spanish courses for 1959-60. The Department will also offer "The Enlightenment in Hispanic Literature," with emphasis on Feijoo, Cadalse, and Jovellano; and readings in "Unamuno and Ortega Y Gasset." A seminar on readings in Galdos, which was dropped from the catalogue in 1956, has been reinstated.

The single new course in Italian is "A History of the Italian Language," taught by Louis F. Solono, associate professor of Romance Languages.
