
Cook to Pitch for Crimson Nine Against Springfield Team Today

Norm Shepard's varsity baseball team, which has been having early-season pitching problems of late, will be trying to iron out several uncertainties when it faces Springfield College this afternoon. Game time at Soldiers Field is 3 p.m.

The first question mark is Wally Cook, the lean sophomore right-hander whom Shepard has named to pitch for the Crimson. Top hurler on last year's powerful freshman team, Cook has the best potential on the pitching staff but was disappointing in last week's loss to Navy.

It is hard to blame a pitcher, however, for being slightly off his form in his first varsity start before a hostile crowd, and Cook demonstrated his capabilities dramatically last Saturday against North-eastern when he came in from the bullpen with the bases loaded and struck out the batter on three pitches. By all odds, Cook should be in top shape today.

Problems at Third Base

A more perplexing problem centers around third base. Shepard has yet to discover who is his best man for the fielding duties at that position. Both Chet Boulris and Mo Balboni's gloves have left something to be desired, and the latest possibility for the post is Charlie Ravenel.


To date a left-fielder, Ravenel nevertheless played third at school, and if rain hadn't prevented an outdoor practice yesterday, Ravenel might have been the probable starter there this afternoon. As things stand, it may be any one of the three.

As for the pitching, Shepard thinks "it will start to improve now." Cook seems to have settled down, Ed Wadsworth has looked very promising, and the third will probably be A1 Martin. Though normally a first baseman by trade and a strong hitter as well, Martin alternated between second base and the mound for last year's freshmen and may well be the best pitcher on the team.

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