
Department Adds History Courses To '60 Catalogue

History 258, a spring half course conducted entirely in Russian, is one of nine new courses to be given next year by the History Department. The emphasis in this conference course, entitled "History of the Russian Revolutionary Movement," will be on the period from 1881 to 1917.

Two courses in Latin American History have also been added to next years' catalogue. Charles C. Griffin, a visiting professor from Vassar, will teach both. The history of ancient Iran to the seventh century A.D. is the subject of History 110, a new half course to be given in the spring. History 113, a half course for the fall, deals with the Holy Roman Empire in the High Middle Ages.

The intellectual history of China and Japan will be taken up in History 184a. A Junior Tutorial for Credit has been added to the area of History of Science and Learning, as has History of Science 115, a half course in "Medieval Philosophy and Science." The new catalogue also has a graduate course in "The Development of Biological Thought."

Courses Dropped

The Economics Department has also instituted a Junior Tutorial for Credit, Economics 98, to replace the Junior Honors Course, Economics 100. Four other Economics courses have been dropper from the undergraduate section of the catalogue. Economics 109 and 151, Economic Aspects of Population and Public Finance, respectively, will not be given this year; and Economics 111b and 113b, courses which were not given this year, but which were to be next year, do not appear in the new catalogue.


Juniors concentrating in Government may now take Government 98, Tutorial for Credit, if they are candidates for honors.

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