Radcliffe College will mark its 80th birthday today with "Panorama," a day-long program damatizing several aspects of a Radcliffe education today. More than 8,000 New England alumnae, parents, and friends of the College have been invited to attend the celebration.
In the morning visitors will attend classes and tour the three newest dormitories--Moors, Holmes, and Comstock.
Climaxing the day's events will be an evening program in Sanders Theatre. Described as "a portrait of student life at the College," the program will present talks on academic and extra-curricular activities by undergraduates, graduates, and faculty members. Among the speakers will be a Ph.D. candidate discussing her thesis with a professor, several undergraduates explaining why they came to Radcliffe, and a teaching fellow.
Interspersed between the talks will be a scene from Wonderful Town, folk songs, a modern dance number, and several selections from the Freshman Chorus and the Choral Society.
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