
Varity Lacrosse Team to Meet Ex-College Stars of Boston Club

In a game which traditionally defies speculation, the varsity lacrosse team will face the Boston Lacrosse Club this afternoon at 2:30 on the Business School field.

Because the Club is actually a rather loose organization of former college stars, it is difficult to judge what players will even show up for the game. Boston's starting lineup, however, will probably include several men who have stood out on Crimson teams in the past few years.

At defense, Jim Herscot, last year's varsity captain, and Fred Sharf, a regular in 1956, will start for the Club. Its captain is Moe Baldwin, another former Crimson ace, who will open the game at attack along with Skip Bohn. Bohn led the Ivy League in scoring when he played for Dartmouth several years ago.

The Varsity will go into the game with essentially the same lineup that beat Stevens Institute and Hofstra on the spring trip. Dave Bohn--Skip Bohn's younger brother--Nick Lamont, Andy Leaf, and Captain Jerry Pyle will alteruate at the three attack positions.

Bohn, a sophomore, led the Varsity to an overtime win against Hofstra, and has filled the gap left when Dub Mallonnee graduated. Unlike many collegiate attackmen, Bohn does not take a pass and immediately attempt to stuff the ball into the nets, but rather waits for the opposing goalie to make the first move.


Coach Bruce Munro plans to alternate two units at midfield. On one line will be Dick Morgan, Dick Parks, and Manuel Cabral, while John Gould, Tadgh Sweeney, and Dave Birch will make up the other unit. Charlie Devens, who was injured in the Stevens game, may also see some action.

Bron Thayer, Lanny Keyes, and Ed Tarlov will open the game at defense, and Chris Stone will start at goalie.

Since the Boston Lacrosse Club can schedule only a few practice sessions each wek, its teamwork should be somewhat less polished than the Varsity's

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