
Professor For Berlin Change

The transfer of control of West Berlin to the West German government was proposed by Carl J. Friedrich, Eaton Professor of Government, at a conference Saturday sponsored by the University of New Hampshire.

The transfer would counter Russia's plan to turn East Berlin over to the East German government and would put the West on the diplomatic offensive, Friedrich claimed. In addition, the move would re-establish the legal status in Berlin of the United States, France, and Britain.

Friedrich based his plan on the assumption that Russia is not using the Berlin issue as an excuse to start a war. Rather, he feels the Soviet's withdrawl from Berlin is an attempt to force the West into a de facto recognition of East Germany.

This withdrawal would also allow the communists to seal off East Berlin, he declared, since the occupation of the city would then be legally ended. This would pllug a hole in the iron curtain, hampering the intelligence activities in Berlin by the three Western powers.

In addition, he pointed out, the plug would halt the emigration of the 12,000 to 15,000 East Germans each month to the West through Berlin


Friedrich acted as an advisor to the military governor of Germany, Gen. Lucius D. Clay, from 1946 to 1948.

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