

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

In order to keep the record straight, I should like to correct the figures on withdrawals from the College attributed to me in a story which appeared in the CRIMSON on March 14th. The increase in withdrawals from the College for all reasons (forced and voluntary) in the last two years was only one-half of one per cent. The considerable increase to which I called special attention in my annual report for 1957-58 was only in the two related sub-categories of voluntary withdrawals labelled as for "personal" and "medical" reasons, which rose from 75 in 1956 to 145 in 1958.

If you care to publish the following data, here are the figures for withdrawals (drop-outs) for all reasons, expressed in terms of percentages of enrollment, for the last five academic years. It is hard to discern any trend in these figures. Withdrawals  Whole College  New Freshmen 1953-54  5.3%  5.6% 1954-55  4.5%  3.9% 1955-56  4.9%  4.5% 1956-57  4.4%  3.0% 1957-58  5.4%  3.8%

Deimar Leighton.


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