
WHRB Program Guide


The News Department of WHRB presents Harvard's most complete news coverage every night at 11:30 on "All the News." The show begins with five minutes of Harvard news, with frequent telephone interviews and statements. Five minutes of complete national news comes next, followed by five minutes of Harvard and national sports news.

For those who cannot listen in the evening, the most interesting portions of "All the news" are re-broadcast each morning at 8:25 and 8:55 am.

WHRB's March series, "German Report," will be rebroadcast during the last week of April. Many favorable comments were received praising the programs narrated by German born Horst Weise. The series presents voices of German leaders from Ulbricht to Hitler, interviews with citizens, recordings from German festivals and radio programs, and a clear anaysis of the present Berlin crisis.

Wednesday, March 25, 1959



8:00 Music in the Morning

10.00 Sign off until 1:30


1:30 Bloch: Concerto Grosso for Strings and Piano Obbligato (M); Mozart: Quintet in E flat, K. 614 (C); Hindemith: The Four Temperaments (E); Handel: Solomon (A); Imbrie: Quartet in B flat (C); Locatelli: Elegiac Symphony (W); Haydn: Trio #1 (L)

5:00 News, Sportlite

5:10 Jazz Entree

6:00 Diggin' at Dunster

7:00 Sports Parade, with Pete Townley

7:10 On the Record

7:30 Balladeers

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