
Stevenson Hits Papers' Lack Of Information

Adlai E. Stevenson last night blamed the American press for public ignorance of Russia's achievements. Stevenson appared with Barabara Ward, visiting lecturer in the Graduate School of Public Administration on the television program "The Press and the People." The show was moderated by Louis M. Lyons, curator of the Nieman Fellowships.

Stevenson asserted, "Too much of the press is occupied with entertainment. The press, however, reflects what the people want. It is a cross section of what we are."

Lady Jackson agreed, stating that "the newspapers are for amusement. There is no space for a sustained story. Everything must be a crisis."

Ruissans Successful

Both panel members agreed that Russia has been making an excellent impression on the one-third of the world's population that is uncommitted to either of the great powers.


The Soviets have an air of dynamism, they asserted, because they have attained a position of equal power with the United States in only 40 years. This show of "Operation Bootstrap" contrasts with the look America gives, that of trying to "hold fast" instead of advancing forward.

Stevenson maintained that Russia is a stable power. The belief it will be overthrown by revolution is wishful thinking.

Miss Ward compared scientific achievement to an iceberg: the Sputniks correspond to the ten per cent which is visible, but there is still a solid base comprising ninety per cent of their achievement which we do not see.
