WASHINGTON, March 13-President Eisenhower told Congress today that the almost four billion dollars he wants for foreign aid would be money well spent.
The President said in a special message that this proposal would assure far more security than could come from stepped-up spending for this country's own armed forces.
"Dollar for dollar," he said, "our expenditures for the mutual security program, after we have once achieved a reasonable military posture for ourselves, will buy more security than far greater expenditures for our own forces."
Macmillan Leaves Bonn
LONDON, March 13--Prime Minister Harold Macmillan will fly back from Bonn tonight with broad German and French support for a program leading to summit talks with the Soviet Union by July.
Macmillan hopes, on a flying trip to Washington next week, to win President Eisenhower's endorsement of the plan for East-West negotiations on German and other European problems.
Nasser Warns Against Arab Reds
DAMASCUS, Syria, March 13--The Reds are converting Iraq into a base for operations in the Arab world, President Gamal Abdel Nasser warned a massive anti-communist rally today.
To the cheers of thousands gathered in front of the presidential palace, Nasser called Iraq Premier Kassem a willing accomplice of Arab communists.
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