WASHINGTON, Feb. 11--A new Western formula for a Big Four foreign ministers conference about Germany provides for including German representatives as advisers, opening the way for possible compromise with the Soviet Union on German participation.
In suggesting participation by German representatives, the Western powers would be thinking primarily of West Germans. They would be fully aware, however, that to the Russians the reference would mean Communist East German officials.
Both State Department and White House informants say Secretary of State John Foster Dulles will provide the guidelines for U.S. policy except for a few days around the time of his impending operation for hernia. The operation may be delayed until next week.
Agreement Reached on Cyprus
ZURICH, Switzerland, Feb. 11--Greece and Turkey agreed yesterday on a constitution designed to give independence and peace to the British-ruled island of Cyprus.
By nightfall their plan for a republic of Cyprus won the eagerly awaited blessing of the British-exiled Greek Orthodox primate of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios.
The immediate hope is to end the nearly four years of bloodshed in triangular battles among British, Greek and Turkish forces and guerrillas.
If all goes well, the rival Cypriot communities of Greek and Turk origin may live in peace, sharing responsibilities but keeping their communal identities.
The strife centered about demands of four-fifths of the eastern Mediterranean island's population of Greek origin for complete integration with Greece while Turkey demanded partition of the country for the other fifth of the half-million islanders, who speak Turkish. The island is Great Britain's military outpost in the Mideast.
Little Rock Disclosure
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11--The mayor of Little Rock, Ark., was disclosed today to have pleaded for the federal troops that President Eisenhower sent there in 1957.
Until now, for all the general public could tell, the bitterly controversial decision was the Eisenhower administration's own idea. It has hurt his party in the South.
Today, the Justice Department released a document covering advice which Herbert Brownell, then the attorney general, gave Eisenhower on what to do in the crisis resulting from opposition, including mob violence, in Little Rock to school integration orders
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