
Varsity Team Will Meet Strong Dartmouth Five

The varsity quintet will seek revenge tonight at 8:30 p.m. when it faces a powerful Dartmouth team in Hanover. About four weeks ago, the Indians inflicted a 74-56 rout on the Crimson here in Cambridge, and playing on their home floor, they may be just too good to beat.

Yet the obvious advantages of the Green--greater height, better team speed, and deeper reserves--do not preclude the possibility of an upset. In both its games this weekend, the varsity showed the hustle that has characterized its play throughout most of the current season, and with a few breaks could well have beaten the superior Cornell team it met on Saturday.

In addition, tonight's game will mark the return to action of sophomore forward Bob Bowditch, who was unable to compete over the weekend. Although Bowditch, who has not yet recovered fully from a bad cold, will not start, his deadly jump shot could come in handy.

In place of Bowditch, Coach Floyd Wilson will use Dave Grayer, whose play this weekend received Wilson's praise, especially for the 12 points Grayer scored in the first half against Cornell. Captain Bob Repetto will be the other forward, with George Harrington and Mike Donohue at guard and griff McClellan at center.

Dartmouth, with its perfect 7-0 league record, boasts a strong starting five and good reserve strength. Leading the Indians will be Rudy LaRusso, a 6 ft. 6 in. forward, who gave, the varsity all kinds of trouble last time, throwing in 27 points and grabbing 12 rebounds.


Joining LaRusso at forward will be rugged Gary Vandeweghe, a solid all-around performer. At center will be Dave Farnsworth, who matches the varsity's McClellan in size, and in the back-court will be two excellent veterans, stocky Walt Sosnowski and lean Chuck Kaufman, both averaging in double figures and playing first-rate defense.

The leading second-stringers are Dave Gavitt. George Ramming, and Bryant Barn and are capable, if not brilliant replacements for the starters.

Of course, there are those who feel that the after-effects of Winter Carnival will show in the play of the hosts, but the well-informed disregard this feeling, since the Dartmouth team was on the road and missed the festivities in Hanover. Nonetheless, the post-Carnival letdown, if coupled with inspired Crimson shooting could bring about the down-fall of the undefeated.

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