
Yale Holds Talks On Disarmament

NEW HAVEN, Conn., Dec. 6--A student conference on disarmament and atomic was attracted over 1300 students here today to hear among others Sen. Hubert M. Humphrey and Carlos P. Romulo, Philippine Ambassador to the U.S.

No workable disarmament can be reached, Humphrey declared, unless Communist China participates in the disarmament conferences. Romulo further maintained that any plan for disarmament would best be carried out by having the small nations act as mediators between the larger ones.

Two other speakers at the weekend conference were Lt.Gen. James M. Gavin(ret.), and James F. Crow, professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Wisconsin. The harmful radiation effects of nuclear testing, Crow stated, are not negligible, but are sufficiently distributed over the earth so that testing, if politically necessary, can be continued.
