
Squash Team Routs Green Army Squad With 9-0 Victory

The Crimson squash team swept past a dogged Army nine at West Point Saturday to win, 9 to 0. Although in their usual top condition physically, the Cadets simply lacked the experience necessary to handle the powerful Harvard team.

Six of the Crimson racquetmen shut out their opponents 3 to 0, and only one match was carried to five games. But in that contest, captain Gerry Emmet first won two games and then led the Army top man 14 to 9 in the third, when suddenly the ball broke.

During the wait for a new one, Emmet apparently cooled off somewhat, although at times in the rest of that game and the next he needed only one more point to Cadet opposition.

Second-ranked Tim Gallwey defeated his opponent, 3 to 0; and sophomore flash Romer Holleran swept past his man 3 to 0.

Of the other team members, Jorge Lemann and Bob Schwartzman won their matches 3 to 1.
