Horworthy, Matthews, and Stoughton will be completely renovated this summer at a possible cost of over $1 million, Dean Von Stade stated yesterday.
The renovation of the three Yard dormitories results from action taken by the Corporation last year. By this decision, all the "old" dorms in the Yard--those built before 1925--will receive complete internal reconstruction in the next few years. Last year two entries of Thayer Hall and all of Hollis were renovated for approximately $600,000. Final plans await Corporation approval.
Summer School students, who have previously lived in the old dorms, will use the Houses during the next session. Last year, the Summer School took over Winthrop House, and it will probably utilize one or two more Houses this summer.
Von Stade also praised the new singlerent plan, whereby all rooms in freshman dormitories rent for the same price per year regardless of size or "desirability." He asserted that "it has eliminated the distinction between 'Gold Coast' freshmen and scholarship students, and has also brought greater mixing among groups of students." Last year the Masters debated extending this policy to upperclassmen, but finally rejected it.
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