
'Cliffies to Participate In Student Exchange With Other Countries

Radcliffe students will participate this summer as part of an international exchange program sponsored by the International Association of Students in Economic and Commercial Sciences (AIESEC). 'Cliffies will "solicit Greater Boston businessmen for training positions for selected foreign student" as part of the program, said Mrs. Deane Lord, director of the Radcliffe news office.

As a brand new chapter of AIESEC, Radcliffe will try to get as many jobs as possible lined up since the number of jobs obtained will determine how many students will participate. The program is based on a one-for-one exchange. "Positions desired are in management training or office work which will acquaint exchange students with overall operations," Mrs. Lord said. Students in the program can specify both country and nature of work.

AIESEC was initiated at Radcliffe in mid-October by two Yale students. The Student Government passed the resolution for a Radcliffe chapter and gave it a temporary charter until December 15. A permanent charter will probably be granted now that the chapter is well-established. At the present time there are twenty members. The program was termed by Mrs. Lord "an almost completely student-run organization which seeks to promote cultural understanding through practical work experience of students in foreign countries."


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