
HYDC Members Favor Stevenson

Adlai E. Stevenson remains the Harvard Democrat's favorite choice for the presidential candidacy in 1960, according to a straw vote of the HYDC membership last week.

In the balloting, which was by proportional representation, Stevenson received nearly 60 per cent of the first place votes. After a correlation of first, second, and third place votes, Stevenson far outdistanced Senator John F. Kennedy '40. The leading candidates, and the percentage of the total adjusted voting strength behind them, are: Adial E. Stevenson  42 per cent John F. Kennedy  23 per cent Hubert Humphrey  13 per cent Stuart Symington  6 per cent Lyndon Johnson  6 per cent

Scattered votes were cast for Gov. G. Mennen Williams, Gov. Robert Meyner, and Gov. Edmund G. Brown.

A majority of HYDC members returned the polls. Their preferences were approximately the same as those voted by Faculty Democrats in a poll conducted by Students for Rockefeller in October.

Edwin Martin '63, who conducted last week's poll for the HYDC, is presently polling on Boston streetcorners.


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