
Faculty Group Approves New Reserve Book Limit

Circulation Limited to Three Hours

Circulation of closed-reserve library books will be limited to three hours for the rest of the year, the Faculty Committee on Libraries decided Tuesday.

Approving four out of five suggestions from the Student Council for revisions of Lamont Library procedure, the Committee not only altered the reserve system but also extended Sunday night hours, instituted spot checks of bursar's cards, and told librarians to collect reserved books found unattended.

Reserve books will not be allowed outside the library under the three-hour system, although the Student Council committee proposed such a move. However, Paul H. Buck, Director of the University Library, said yesterday that this provision "will be considered in the future."

Under the new withdrawal system, a book taken out at 12 noon will be stamped due at 3 p.m.; one removed at 12:05 must be returned at 3:05. As at the present, books withdrawn after 9 p.m. will be allowed out all night.

The committee also withheld approval of a proposal to extend the closing hours of the House libraries from 12 midnight to 1 a.m. It referred the suggestion to the Committee on Houses.


But it did lengthen Sunday hours in Lamont from 10 p.m. to 12 midnight during reading and exam periods. The committee also urged continued contact between the Council and library officials.

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