
NBC President Makes Proposal To Jail Quiz Program 'Cheaters'; Noel-Baker to Get Peace Prize

WASHINGTON, Nov. 5--Robert E. Kinter, admitting his own National Broadcasting Co. had been victimized by quiz show fakery, suggested Thursday that Congress pass a law to jail TV program cheaters.

Kinter, NBC president, said his network is taking every step it can to prevent any repitition of the quiz show connivance which shocked millions of television viewers.

He asked Congress and the public not to judge the broadcasting industry by disclosures that many big money quiz contests had been rigged.

Kinter testified before a House commerce subcommittee, which has uncovered numerous instances of backstage maneuvers to fix the outcome of quiz shows, even to giving contestants the correct answers in advance.

Noel-Baker Wins Peace Prize


LONDON, Nov. 5--A British Laborite member of Parliament, Philip Noel-Baker, was named winner of the 1959 Nobel Peace Prize today. Mr. Noel-Baker, former Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, is one of his party's chief speakers on disarmament.

The Award was announced by the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament.
