
Kissinger Describes U.S. Policies Since Negotiations at Camp David As National 'Game of Charades'

"If Khrushchev were to compare his position today with that of a year ago, he must conclude that the best way to deal with the West is to frighten," Henry A. Kissinger '50, associate director of the Center for International Affairs, told a Ford Hall Forum audience last night in a speech assessing the United States' position in world affairs.

Pointing out that there is no crisis in Berlin except as precipitated by Russia, Kissinger expressed dismay at the resultant calls for "summit" conferences. "An interim agreement" implies that Russia has a hand in the government of West Berlin," he cautioned.

"We have been playing charades with ourselves since Camp David," he said, scoffing at the apparent need for an atmosphere of progress.

"If negotiating parties know that a compromise will finally be reached, there is a premium on adopting an extreme position," he maintained. "We can not make proposals we believe in, and yet constantly come out with new proposals." If the result is increased rigidity in policy-making, he continued, there is an equal increase in responsibility.

The United States, while developing weapons of ultimate destruction finds them useless in small but persistent situations. "It is irresponsible to rely on atomic warfare in defense," he concluded. As a solution Kissinger suggested that "if we are serious in avoiding nuclear war, we must build up our conventional forces."


In his third major point, Kissinger spoke of the future of "uncommitted" nations. Denying that the United States should attempt to match all Russian programs in these countries, he affirmed that foreign aid is necessary. He expressed doubt that foreign aid will be decisive in shaping the loyalties of these new and underdeveloped countries. "I ame not at all convinced that the pedantic rules of Western policy, combined with a certain lack of energy, might not be less appealing than Moscow and Peiping," he added.
