
Lenzner Selected Football Captain

Crowd Cheers Guard During Yale Movie

Terry F. Lenzner '61 (above right), of Dunster House and New York City, has been elected captain of the 1960 varsity football team. An exhuberant crowd of 500 roared its approval last night as outgoing captain Hank Keohane (left and bottom), announced the team's decision at the showing of the Yale game films in Lowell Lecture Hall.

In his first year at Harvard, Lenzner was captain of his freshman football eleven, which lost only to Princeton during its season. A candidate for All-Ivy honors, the new captain was first-string guard this year and an important reserve during sophomore year.

After the election, coach John Yovicsin emphasized that Lenzner has progressed rapidly since last year. He praised the new captain's "love to play," which he termed "a good trait in any ball player," and he described Lenzner as a "mature player, who has just finished a fine year."

Yovicsin added that he was confident Lenzner would "lead the boys with his personal effort."

In addressing the crowd at the film showing, Lenzner spoke highly of the varsity's two strong lines, the "good material," and the team's high hopes for victory in next year's difficult opener against Holy Cross.


At the meeting, sponsored by the Student Council, Keohane was wildly applauded when he thanked the fans who supported the team "through the good years and the bad." Later in the evening, several loud bursts of applause followed line coach Ted Schmitt's comments on the "real good running" and his call for "the same kind of support next fall."
