
Glee Club May Travel to Orient; Finances Pose Greatest Problem

Plans Under Way

The Glee Club may tour Southeastern Asia during the summer of 1961, Elliot Forbes, professor of Music, announced yesterday. A tentative itinerary includes Hawaii, Japan, Formosa, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and possibly Australia.

The Club's chief obstacle will be raising money, according to Forbes. "We will need support from many sources" he said, "one of which should be the Glee Club members themselves."

A special committee with Loring Conant, Jr '61 as chairman, is already planning the trip. Forbes and the other nine members expect to know by February whether finances will permit the venture.

Approximately 50 singers will be chosen for the tour on the basis of musical ability. They will fly west early in the summer, stopping for one or two concerts in the Midwest and on the West Coast, probably in Los Angeles or San Francisco.

The Club expects to head towards Honolulu and the Asian cities from California, travelling by air whenever possible. Forbes said they anticipate considerable railroad travel in Japan.


The Glee Club has made two other trips abroad, in 1921 and 1956. Both were to Europe.
