
HYRC Incorporates Eisenhower Group For 'United Front'

The Harvard Young Republican Club revealed plans last night to incorporate the outdated Harvard Eisenhower Club as a committee on political research. Both clubs adopted an incorporation resolution Tuesday night in order "to present a united Republican front at Harvard" and eliminate competition between each other.

The resolution provided for the dissolution of the HEC on January 1, 1960, and the foundation of a political education committee comprised of its executive staff and three members of the HYRC. To assure complete unity, the committee members must also be members of the HYRC. Furthermore, the HYRC will provide no funds to the subgroup until it has exhausted the Eisenhower Club treasury.

Executive committees from each club began behind-the-scenes negotiations early in October to bring about this incorporation. Several resolutions were proposed, but until Tuesday night the HEC felt its concern over membership, funds, and the date of dissolution were not satisfactorily relieved.

Christopher T. Bayley '60, president of the HYRC, suggested last night that the HEC has become "a Republican entity" devoted to political education. Since it drifted away from its original function of supporting the President's 1956 election, the Eisenhower Club's activities have included taking preference polls, voter research projects, campaign work, and endorsing candidates.

In several areas the Club's activities overlapped those of the HYRC, which in part accounted for its decision to join the Young Republican Club. Both groups, for example, supported and did campaign work for William S. Barnes, assistant Dean of the Law School.
