
Crimson Booters to Meet Brown In Key Contest for League Race

It will be an all-or-nothing situation this morning when the varsity soccer squad meets Brown at 11 in Providence. The Ivy League race has become a two-defeats-and-out contest, and the Crimson (3-1-0) and Brown (3-1-1) will be fighting for survival.

Rain is expected to turn the encounter into a wild, free-swinging scramble from start to finish. With so much at stake, both teams will be going all out--every ball will be played and all shots will be followed up.

The Bruins are particularly suited for this type of rough-and-tumble competition. Brown has a big, strong line, and a large, combative backfield. In fact, the Bruins have acquired a reputation as the roughest eleven in the League.

High-scoring center forward Armando Garces is known throughout Ivy territory for his propensity for trampling goalies. Garces will be joined on the attack by insides Bob Pearson and Willem Van Den Toorn. Arnold Hetzer leads a strong halfback corps, and Dick Press paces the defense from his fullback position. Goalie Denny Master has been difficult to score on so far this year.

In today's game, Garces and Co. will have a choice of two fine Crimson netminders to terrorize, and neither goalie is the type that backs down under pressure. Playing with his broken hand in a cast, Tom Bagnoli spent the better part of practice yesterday trying to convince coach Bruce Munro that he was ready for action. Bob Forbush will open in the nets if Bagnoli's hand continues to trouble him excessively. Forbush proved himself beyond all doubt against Princeton last Saturday, when he turned in a fine performance on a muddy, slippery field.


Munro's starting lineup will probably be without right halfback Charlie Steele, a stalwart on defense all season. Steele has a hyperextended leg that has not responded to treatment, and his status is doubtful. Bill Driver will start in Steele's absence.

Tadgh Sweeney, who has played brilliantly at wing and inside, will open at center forward today, as Munro takes advantage of the big lineman's ability to storm the enemy nets.

Larry Ekpebu and Dick McIntosh at wing, John Mudd and John Hedreen at inside, Marsh McCall and Bill Rapp at halfback, and Lanny Keyes and Tim Morgan at fullback will complete the starting eleven.

The varsity and the Bruin team are prepared for all-out efforts today. The resulting game should be a battle to remember.
